photo of me

Chrissy Gonzalez, Developer and designer

Champion of simplicity, friend of rainbow sprinkles

photo of me

Hello! I’m a developer and designer with experience with Ruby on Rails and JavaScript and over 10 years of UX and visual design experience at companies like MongoDB, Etsy, and Google. I’m looking to bring my strong problem solving, communication, and collaboration skills to a front-end development role where I can help your technology company deliver excellent experiences.

Tone Piano (on Github)
Javascript and Ruby Tone Piano project

Time for a Tone.js tune

Tone Piano is the final project I made for the Flatiron School. It’s a small interactive piano made with a React / Redux front end, a Ruby on Rails backend, and the Tone.js library. It lets you play, save, and listen to songs. For more details, visit the blog post here.

CraftPlanner (on Github)
Rails Craftplanner project

Getting crafty

Craftplanner was my third project for the Flatiron School’s Online Web Dev program. It’s a Ruby on Rails app that helps you keep track of craft projects you’re working on, will be working on, or have completed, as well as your stash of craft supplies. For more details, visit the blog post here.

Sinatra Glitter Text (on Github)
Glitter Text example

Just imagine the possibilities

I built Sinatra Glitter Text for the Flatiron School’s Online Web Dev program’s second project (a CRUD app built in Ruby and running on Sinatra). It lets you create an account, sign in to view your own glitter texts, and of course, update and delete them. For a little more detail on my development procress, check out this blog post about it.

NYC Subway Status Gem (on Github)
NYC Subway Status gem


NYC Subway Status was my first Flatiron School project, a web-scraping CLI app built in Ruby. As any commuter who regularly rides the subway can attest, it’s important to know how the trains are running – why not check their status on the command line? If you’d like to know more about how I built NYC Subway Status, here’s a slightly wordy blog post about the process. If you’d like to install it as a Ruby gem, you can find it here: